Vietnam Embassy in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico serves as a vital diplomatic mission between Vietnam and Mexico, facilitating various consular services and promoting bilateral relations. This article aims to provide comprehensive information about the Embassy’s address, contact details, visa requirements, and the range of services it offers.

Address of the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam is located at:

Address: Calle Lope de Armendáriz 130, Colonia Lomas de Virreyes, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11000, Ciudad de México, Mexico.

The embassy’s strategic location ensures convenient access for individuals seeking consular assistance or intending to apply for visas.

Contact Information for the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

For inquiries and assistance, you can reach the Embassy of Vietnam using the following contact information:

  • Phone: +52 (55) 5540 1632
  • Fax: +52 (55) 5540 1612
  • Email:
  • Website: Feel free to contact the embassy through these channels for any consular matters, visa-related queries, or general information.

Visa Requirements for Vietnamese Citizens in Mexico

Vietnamese citizens residing in Mexico or planning to travel to Mexico must fulfill certain visa requirements. These requirements may vary depending on the purpose and duration of their stay. As a Vietnamese citizen, you should contact the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico to obtain detailed and up-to-date information regarding visa requirements.

In general, visa applicants usually need to submit the following documents:

  1. Completed visa application form.
  2. Valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity.
  3. Passport-sized photos.
  4. Proof of travel itinerary, such as flight tickets.
  5. Proof of accommodation arrangements.
  6. Financial documents demonstrating sufficient funds to cover the stay.
  7. Visa processing fee.

It is crucial to note that visa requirements and processes can change periodically, so it is advisable to consult the embassy or visit their official website for the most accurate and updated information.

Consular Services Provided by the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico offers various consular services to Vietnamese citizens, as well as Mexican residents and visitors. These services include:

  1. Passport Issuance and Renewal: The embassy facilitates the issuance and renewal of Vietnamese passports. Applicants need to provide necessary documents, including identification proof, photographs, and application forms.
  1. Visa Assistance: The embassy provides guidance and support for visa applications, including information about required documents, visa types, and application procedures.
  1. Legalization and Authentication: The embassy assists in legalizing and authenticating documents, such as educational certificates, commercial documents, and personal documents like marriage certificates or birth certificates.
  1. Notary Services: The embassy offers notary services for Vietnamese citizens residing in Mexico. This includes witnessing signatures, certifying copies, and providing other notarization-related assistance.
  1. Assistance to Vietnamese Nationals: The embassy provides aid and support to Vietnamese nationals facing difficulties, emergencies, or legal issues in Mexico. They serve as a point of contact for individuals in distress and work towards resolving their problems whenever possible.
  1. Cultural Exchanges: The embassy promotes cultural exchanges between Vietnam and Mexico, organizing events, exhibitions, and performances to foster understanding and appreciation of Vietnamese culture.

Applying for a Visa at the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

To apply for a visa at the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico, follow these general steps:

  1. Obtain the visa application form from the embassy’s website or directly from their office.
  2. Fill out the form accurately and completely, ensuring all required information is provided.
  3. Collect the necessary supporting documents as per the specific visa category and requirements.
  4. Visit the embassy during consular hours to submit your application and provide biometric data if required.
  5. Pay the applicable visa processing fee.
  6. Keep your passport and other important documents safe, as they will be returned after processing.
  7. Await notification from the embassy regarding the status of your visa application.

It is crucial to apply well in advance, allowing ample time for processing and potential delays. The embassy may have specific guidelines or additional requirements, so it is advisable to consult their official website or contact them directly for precise instructions.

Embassy Holidays and Closures in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico observes both Vietnamese and Mexican holidays. It remains closed on these occasions, and consular services are not available. Some of the common holidays observed include:

  • Vietnamese New Year (Tet)
  • Mexican National Day
  • Christmas Day
  • New Year’s Day

Make sure to plan your visits or visa applications accordingly, taking into account the embassy’s closure dates.

Trade and Diplomatic Relations between Vietnam and Mexico

Vietnam and Mexico enjoy strong trade and diplomatic relations. Bothcountries have engaged in significant economic cooperation, trade exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations. The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico plays a pivotal role in fostering and strengthening these relations.

  1. Trade Relations: Vietnam and Mexico have witnessed substantial growth in bilateral trade over the years. The embassy actively facilitates trade promotion activities, business meetings, and networking events to encourage trade partnerships between Vietnamese and Mexican enterprises. It provides information on market opportunities, investment climate, and trade regulations to facilitate smooth trade transactions.
  1. Investment Promotion: The embassy promotes foreign direct investment (FDI) between Vietnam and Mexico by facilitating investment seminars, forums, and exhibitions. It assists in disseminating information about investment policies, incentives, and potential sectors for investment in both countries. The embassy also supports Vietnamese businesses seeking investment opportunities in Mexico and vice versa.
  1. Cultural Exchanges: The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico organizes various cultural events, festivals, and exhibitions to showcase the rich heritage and traditions of Vietnam. These events not only promote cultural understanding but also serve as platforms for people-to-people exchanges, contributing to closer ties between the two nations.
  1. Diplomatic Cooperation: The embassy actively engages with Mexican governmental bodies, diplomatic missions, and international organizations to foster diplomatic cooperation. It participates in diplomatic dialogues, bilateral negotiations, and regional initiatives to address shared challenges and strengthen political ties between Vietnam and Mexico.

Cultural Events Organized by the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico organizes a range of cultural events throughout the year to promote Vietnamese culture and enhance cultural exchanges between the two countries. These events provide an opportunity for Mexicans and other visitors to experience the vibrant traditions, arts, and cuisine of Vietnam. Some examples of cultural events organized by the embassy include:

  1. Vietnamese Lunar New Year Celebrations: Every year, the embassy hosts vibrant celebrations to mark the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, commonly known as Tet. The festivities include cultural performances, traditional music, dance, and exhibitions of Vietnamese handicrafts and traditional clothing.
  1. Vietnamese Food Festivals: The embassy arranges food festivals where visitors can savor authentic Vietnamese cuisine. These events showcase popular dishes such as pho (noodle soup), banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich), and fresh spring rolls, allowing attendees to experience the unique flavors and culinary delights of Vietnam.
  1. Art Exhibitions: The embassy organizes art exhibitions featuring works by Vietnamese artists, including paintings, sculptures, and traditional crafts. These exhibitions provide a platform for Vietnamese artists to showcase their talent and introduce Mexican audiences to the diverse artistic expressions of Vietnam.
  1. Film Screenings: The embassy occasionally hosts screenings of Vietnamese films, enabling Mexican audiences to explore Vietnamese cinema and gain insights into the country’s storytelling traditions and cinematic achievements.

These cultural events serve as bridges between the two nations, fostering mutual understanding, appreciation, and friendship.

Getting Assistance from the Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico

The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico is committed to providing assistance and support to Vietnamese citizens, residents in Mexico, and individuals seeking consular services. If you require any help or encounter emergencies, the embassy can offer guidance and aid within its capabilities. Some situations where you might seek assistance from the embassy include:

  1. Lost or Stolen Passport: In case of a lost or stolen passport, contact the embassy immediately for guidance on reporting the incident and obtaining a new travel document.
  1. Emergency Situations: If you find yourself in an emergency situation, such as accidents, illness, or legal issues, reach out to the embassy for necessary support and coordination with relevant authorities.
  1. Evacuation Assistance: During times of crisis or natural disasters, the embassy collaborates with local authorities and international organizations to facilitate the safe evacuation of Vietnamese nationals from affected areas.
  1. General Consular Services: The embassy offers various consular services, including document legalization, notary services, and passport-related matters. Reach out to them for specific requirements or queries regarding these services.

It is important to note that the embassy may have limitations in providing assistance based on the circumstances and available resources. In critical situations, contacting local authorities or emergency services should be the priority.


The Embassy of Vietnam in Mexico serves as a crucial link between Vietnam and Mexico, promoting diplomatic relations, facilitating trade, and providing consular services. This article has provided detailed information about the embassy’s address, contact information, visa requirements, and the range of services it offers. Additionally, we explored cultural events organized by the embassy, trade and diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the availability of assistance from the embassy. For the most accurate and updated information, it is recommended to consult the embassy’s official website or contact them directly.